Contact (&) Me...

This is me...

I am - Blogger, Stylist, Vintage Clothing Collector, Mother & Shoe Fiend.

I love - Miniature Schnauzers, Cakes, Jasmine Tea, Baking, Laughing, Smiling, Enjoying life, Yoga, Vietnamese food, Fruit, Blythe, Fabulous shoes.

I dream of donuts.

Airports make me emotional.

I'd love to be an extrovert but really I'm an introvert.

I've accepted I'm not perfect but I'm happy.

I juggle being a stay at home mum with...

Being Creative.

Shopping for clients and myself.

Working on interiors projects.


If you would like to get in touch please drop me an e-mail.

You can also find me on -

Twitter @EastLondonStyle


The images used on this blog are not used for commercial reasons. They are purely for commenting purposes. If you hold the copyright for any image and would like it removed just ask.
Like wise if you would like to use one of my photographs / images please ask.