Thursday, 5 September 2013

First Day Excitement...

And so the school gate beckoned - my days of school are well and truly over - or so I thought... and then I realised that as a mum - no they weren't! 

Even though it wasn't our first day at the school or even my first day, I still felt the nerves. So as the school doors got closer Mushroom started to rub his tummy - 'you ok?' I asked...

'Tummy ache' was the reply.

I thought on my feet (and quickly) there were two ways to tackle this situation - 
a. I could have said 'nerves, baby but'll be fine / ok / great.'


b. 'Oh babes! thats excitement!' which is exactly what I did. 

The rational behind this, is that fear and excitement are easily mistake at times for each other. I don't want him to not do things for fear - I want Mushroom to do things because they are exciting. I want (and I say want) him to live his life to the fullest, to take enjoyment from every opportunity, to see good, fun and exciting times in everything that is presented his way.

Fear will at times raise its head and yes we will deal with it but as the book says 'Feel the fear and do it anyway!'

Top - Frockbrokers, Trousers - J Brand, Sneakers - Superga