Thursday, 31 October 2013

Approaching 40...


At the start of the year - I thought this is the year I'll be 40 and it didn't bother me, or so I thought...

Intinally I thought big party - yay!! But then I started to to think, I started to take stock of where I was (metaphorically) and actually I wasn't as happy I thought different ways than I'd ever have expected.

There fore in the last month I have topped up my Botox, filled in the (smokers - that's the actual known name whether you smoked or not - dad!) lines and in 2 days time I get my hair highlighted and in 4 days get new (actually some) boobs. So for someone who thought they were pretty much ok with their lot when I sat and took the time to think - actaully I wasn't quite so.

I have also had another tattoo (and planning a new one to be unveiled in the summer), thought about my 'professional' future, made new friends, startd to draw again but mostly and rather selfishly I've done stuff for myself (which isn't a bad thing, it's not really selfish and sometimes it's just what we need to do).