I hit 40. I made promises to myself - rather like along the lines of New Years resolutions - you know - I will do more (some) exercise, I'll gain some confidence (joke), I'll stop wearing track suit bottoms - especially for the school run...
Which made me think - I have hundreds of clothes so why do I wear the 'comfort stuff' as I call it...
And these were my thoughts -
1. Sometimes I wear the track suit to hide, to go unnoticed.
2. I 'dress up' to make myself feel confident (I need to do this more).
3. I 'dress up' because I do feel confident (this is what I want to do).
I make no bones about it, I am terrified of the 'school run', aspects of it fill me with dread but in a bid to be stronger I have a new leather skirt winging its way over to me - and to compensate for such a 'grown up' item of clothing, I thought is mix it with a sweatshirt - hell! I'm not going to win the war in confidence in one swoop - but I can do baby steps!