Sunday, 29 December 2013

So this is me...


...for a while I've hidden behind my illustrations.

For some reason (a lack of self esteem most probably) I lost my way and the reasons why are so annoying...

I hit 40 - I told everyone it's no big deal - it was.

I'd spent years hiding - from myself.

And now, the number 40 having past and an acceptance that actually it's not too late to be the person I want to be. I'm going to be me and stand tall - no apologies.

So here's a few things I'm going to do...


Back tattoo - booked for January.

Breast enlargement - done and slowly but surely recuperation under way.

Land rover Defender (I will not be bullied in this car...) - test drive booked New Years Eve.

Actual photo of me - above! (Not too scary!)

New book ' Indestructible Self-Belief - Fiona Harrold - Downloaded on phone and first chapter underway.

Yoga class - Found and booked, starting first week of January.

Business idea - Growing.


All of which makes me feel like I'm being selfish - but this year taught me that I can look after my family, juggle the things they want to do, support my husband in his job and interests, walk the dogs and lavish them with love, support and encourage friends - And - although I love doing all of this and will continue to do so - I need to do something for me.

This year, I lost myself but its ok because by doing so it made me think - who am I? what do I want? And very importantly it showed me the people who actually cared about me and are willing to help support me.

So with their support and my ideas, the coming year will be fabulous!